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Town of Clark's Harbour :  First Settlers

Swim's Point, Clark's Harbour was first settled by Michael Swim in the early 1800's. 

His nearest neighbour was Daniel Vincent at South Side.  

This was one of the least favourable places because of a lack of forests which were used in the construction of their homes as well as for fuel.  When Michael Swim received his grant, he was given another piece of property which was a woodlot.  This woodlot was not close at hand as in other areas.  The grants were given on the condition that a certain amount of land be cleared for pastures.  This was a difficult task because, as the land was cleared, the rocks were uncovered and the tools they had were made mostly by hand and very crude.

Michael chose Swim's Point to settle, in spite of the difficulties, because of the fishing grounds which were close at hand.  It was easier at that time to be close to the fishing grounds; there were no roads and all travel was done by boat.  It would have taken considerable time to get to the fishing grounds from other areas.


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