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Town of Clark's Harbour :  Town Minutes - July, 2021

Below you will find this year's Town Minutes.  Please note that the most recent is at the top and the oldest one at the bottom.  Each set of minutes are separated by a horiztonal line.



 Regular Session

Town Council

July 07, 2021



The regular session of Town Council was called to order by Mayor Stoddard at 7 pm with Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker, and Councillor Atkinson in attendance. 





         Ball Park mowing- Rex

         Washer Tournament- Louann








            It was moved by Councillor Quinlan, seconded by Councillor Link to approve the agenda as circulated.  Motion carried unanimously. 







            It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan to approve the previous minutes. Motion Carried unanimously.





















Streets, Sewers and Unsightly Premises:

                         Public Works Report was presented to Council.




                        Day camp will be in the Clark’s Harbour July 19-23rd


Building Inspectors Report:  March- 4 permits $330,000

                                                  April- 2 permits $5000

                                                  May- 2 Permits $21,500

                                                  June – 2 permits $3000       



                        Councillor Quinlan, Councillor Link, Councillor Baker reports.





                     Tri County Women’s Centre


            The Tri County Women’s Centre sent a letter requesting for some financial assistance with some of their outreach programs.

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that a $200 donation be sent to the Centre. Motion carried, unanimously.


                        Pod Cast

            A letter was sent to the town requesting the opportunity to have a Pod-Cast done for the town.

            It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and Seconded by Councillor Link not to pursue. Motion carried, unanimously.











            Business Continuity Plan Flu and Infectious disease outbreaks–


                        A business continuity plan was presented to Council for their consideration and adoption for insurance purposes and coverage.        

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Quinlan the plan be accepted and approved. Motion carried, unanimously.


            Request to transfer Funds


            Clerk requested permission to transfer $16,167.81 from Gas tax Holding account to the  operating account to recover money spent from operating account on gas tax Projects.

            It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Atkinson that the funds of $16,167.81 be transferred. Motion carried, unanimously.




                        Renovation and Upgrade to the Town Comfort Centre

            It was asked of Council if they approved of a renovation to the existing Comfort centre by getting a well drilled and installing showers and washers and dryers in the case of another drought. Application for funding will be applied for through Canada Community Revitalization Fund. The rough Estimate of the project is $35,000 with 75% being funded through the Federal government. 

It was moved by Councillor Quinlan and seconded by Councillor Baker that the proposed project  be approved and pursued. Motion carried unanimously.


                        Board Walk Lights

             The Lights at the Board walk are in need of repair. Seven of the 19 lights need new bulbs and Lanterns. Each light will cost approximately $700.Mayor asked Council their wishes, to repair and replace all or only the ones missing the lanterns.

            It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Link that because all of the lamps were the same age that they all be restored for and estimated cost of $15,000. Motion carried, unanimously.


                        Sea Breeze Rebekah Lodge:

            The Mayor was approached by a member of the Sea breeze Rebekah lodge asking if there could be a reduction of the taxes charged to the Lodge. In the Nova Scotia Statutes under the Municipal Government Section 71-2 it allows the town to grant a tax reduction to a non-profit organization.

            It was moved by Councillor Baker and Seconded by Councillor Atkinson the town grant a reduction in the Tax rate from the Current Commercial rate of $5.58 per $100 of Assessment to to the Residential rate of $1.68 per $100 of assessment. Motion Carried, unanimously.





                        Dog Registration


            Last year residents of the Town of Clark’s harbour were ask to register any dogs they owned. It was written that it was to be done annually. Mayor Stoddard asked Council if they wished for yearly registration to continue.


            It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Link that Dog registration only need to happen once. In the event of a person getting a new dog or the loss of a tag should the resident be required to come to the Town Office and obtain a tag for the dog. Motion carried, unanimously.



Additions to the Agenda:



            Washer Tournament:


            A question was asked if the town could hold a washer Tournament. Due to the current restrictions of COVID and gathering limits only registered organizations are able to hold these type of events, The Town of Clark’s harbour is not registered through Recreation NS to hold such events.


            Ball Park


            A discussion about the Recreation Field mowing and up keep was held between The mayor and CHAMBA. With the Town only able to hire one summer employee it has become too much for one person along with the other town properties. CHAMBA will maintain the field and the town will reimburse CHAMBA for the costs

It was moved by Councillor Atkinson and seconded by Councillor Quinlan that this is the process that will be followed. Motion carried, unanimously.



As there was no further business at 8:16 pm it was moved by Councillor Link the meeting be


_______________________________        _______________________
Mayor                                                           Town Clerk

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